

Dawei Watch

Dawei Watch သတင်းဌာနကို ၂၀၁၂ ခုနှစ် မေလတွင်ထားဝယ်မြို့ အခြေစိုက် စတင် တည်ထောင်ခဲ့သည်။ Dawei Watch သည် ကနဦးတွင် တစ်နိုင်ငံလုံးခြုံထုတ်ဝေသည့် နေ့စဉ် သတင်းစာများ၊ အပတ်စဉ်များကို အဓိကအားဖြင့် တနင်္သာရီတိုင်းနှင့် မွန်ပြည်နယ်အတွင်းမှ သတင်းများ ဝန်ဆောင်မှုပေးလျက်ရှိသည်။ ယင်းအပြင် ထူးခြားမှုအလိုက် ထိုင်းရောက် မြန်မာ ရွှေ့ပြောင်းလုပ်သားများ သတင်းကိုလည်း တင်ဆက်သည်။

Dawei Watch was established in 2012 to raise the voice of local people heard from the national, to provide people with informed decision making. It published a weekly newspaper, The Tanintharyi Weekly, starting from 2013, and suspended the publication in 2021 March due to security reasons as the result of the military coup in 2021 February. Currently, Dawei Watch operates only online.

Tanintharyi region is an area where has armed conflicts among the military and the EAOs, PDFs and LDFs. Thousands of people are fleeing war, due to armed conflicts, it is difficult for people to get accurate information related to wars happening and resuming because of propagandized news by various armed groups and propagandized groups. It is very important to fight against fake news since there is no separate news agency that fights against fake news what happening in Tanintharyi. Therefore, Dawei Watch initiated the factcheck program in 2023.

Delta News Agency

Delta News Agency (DNA) is a local media outlet in Myanmar, focusing on the delta region. DNA provides news and information to support develop the local community.

Federal FM

FFM was born with the initiative of General Strike Committees of Nationalities (GSCN), Radio experts, Citizen Journalists, activists, Generation Z, CDMs and Strike Committees’ Members.

Kantarawaddy Times

Kantarawaddy Times ( KT ) is Karenni's Independent Media in Karenni State, Myanmar. KT features latest multimedia news and local news. KT also brings topics forth that often goes underreported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a voice to the voiceless.

Our impartial, fact-based reportings wins State's praise and respect which is a unique brand of Journalism that local and others have come to rely on. At Kantarawaddy Times, we focus on PEOPLE and the events that impact their lives.

Myanmar Pressphoto Agency

Myanmar Pressphoto Agency (MPA) is an independent media organization dedicating to promote and defend human rights, women's rights, minority rights, federalism, the rule of law, accountability, and transparency ,we prioritize press freedom and media independence.

People’s Spring

People's Spring is a newly established media outlet formed after the coup, staffed by journalists with up to 20 years of experience in Myanmar. The organization sheds light on human rights violations by the armed forces and amplifies the voices of historically marginalized groups. Its team of experienced reporters, particularly in Mandalay, Magway, and Sagaing, generates the majority of its in-depth and insightful stories from these regions in central Upper Myanmar media industry.

In a time of significant political turmoil and amidst a tsunami of misinformation, disinformation, and war propaganda, People's Spring focuses its efforts on countering information manipulation and providing credible news to the public.

Shan Herald Agency for News

For more than 28 years, the Shan Herald Agency for News (SHAN) has risen up to the challenges that stood along its path to present genuine news for the people. Embracing its founding motto: “The Voice of SHAN, The Voice of the People,” it has been able to provide news for 1.5 million readers per months. Currently, we tirelessly produce multimedia platform including online daily news in English, Shan and Burmese; TV news; monthly magazine; and a 24 hour online radio program.

The Arakan Express News

The Arakan Express News is a local media agency with wide coverage of citizen journalists from Rakhine State. We report true and accurate news from hard to reach people. We tell stories with a firm stand with on humanity, independence and accountability.

The Red Flag

The Red Flag team was founded by activists and academics advocating for digital rights since before Myanmar’s attempted military coup. As digital rights actions, the team focuses on research and social media monitoring, combating mis/disinformation, and promoting media and information literacy. We will continue strengthening people’s capacity, supporting independent media, and advocating for digital rights in Myanmar.

Think before you Trust

တွေးပြီးမှယုံသည် ကိုယ်အကျိုးစီးပွားကို အခြေမခံသော သတင်းစစ်ဆေးသည့် အသိုင်းအဝိုင်းတစ်ခုဖြစ်ပါသည်။ လူတိုင်း၏ သတင်းမှန်သိရပိုင်ခွင့်ကို ယုံကြည်သော လူငယ်များမှ တွေးပြီးမှယုံကို ၂၀၁၇ ခုနှစ် မတ်လတွင် စတင်တည်ထောင်ခဲ့ပြီး လူမှုအဖွဲ့အစည်းအတွင်း အေးချမ်းမှုနှင့် သဟဇာတဖြစ်မှုကို ထိခိုက်စေနိုင်သော သတင်းတု/ သတင်းမှား များအား စစ်ဆေးပေးခြင်းနှင့် သတင်းစစ်ဆေးနည်းများအား ပြန်လည်မျှဝေခြင်းတို့ကို ဆောင်ရွက်ခဲ့ပါသည်။

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